Thursday, November 24, 2011

Technology rocks!

I have a new way of posting! Sort of. Let me explain. As an early birthday present I got
a tablet. An Asus one. It is awesome and I love it. I can play games on it, I can surf the
net and I can download and read the paper on it. Mostly I do use it as an e-reader though.
Tonight I also remembered it has office software on it. Which is what I am using now. I
can now get my thoughts down whever I am. Once done all I have to do is email the file
to myself, copy and paste it, tidy it up and voila, a blog post. I love technology. Typing
on it will take me a while to be as fast as I am on the computer but I'm getting there.

I really love technology and so do my girls. When we just had our phones the girls would
play on them. Now they can also play on the tablets. Not so much at home but when we
are out it is great to have them in case the girls get bored and disruptive. It happens, they
are just little kid.

About a week ago there was an article in the paper about a pizza place in Balwyn that
wants to ban tablets and phones. The owner claims he dislikes seeing kids using them
at the table as meal time is family time. I agree to an extent. Restuarants can be slow.
Hungry kids can be very disruptive to other patrons. Letting your kid play with a phone
or tab for a few minutes while they wait for their meal is hardly taking away quality
family time. As long as they are put away when the meal arrives.

Not long after we got the tabs we took the girls out to dinner. We took them somewhere
family friendly. While waiting for the meal they were happy to colour in with the
provided paper and crayons. They then ate. We did have a bit of a wait between main
and dessert. By this stage the girls had finished the colouring in and were starting to get
bored. Now, we could have left them to jump on the furniture, crawl around on the floor
and disrupt others. Lucy was also trying to eat scraps off the floor. Can you say yuck???
So we got the tabs out. Both girls then happily sat and played on them quietly until
dessert came. Yep, it totally took away from family time. I am, of course, being sarcastic.
Out of a meal that latest 90 minutes the girls had the tabs out for maybe 10 minutes tops.
I, personally cannot see an issue with that. Not only that but where does a resturant owner
get off telling parents how to parent. Guess he wants a restuarant full of misbehaving
bored children who will drive away the rest of his very well off clientele.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lucy is TWO!

Lucy is now 2. She has been fora month now but she only just had her 2 year nurses
check up today. She now weighs 12kg spot on and is 84 cm long. She was a champ at her appointment. Was happy and performed for the nurse who was very happy with her. Like Jasmine, I think she is pretty amazing.

She has a huge personality for such a little person. She has two favourite toys. Duggie
is a cabbage patch doll dressed as a skunk. She named him Duggie all on her own. Very
clever if you ask me. Her other favourite doll is a Minnie Mouse doll that she got for her
birthday. When Minnie's hand is pushed she records for about 15 seconds then repeats
what she has heard. For her birthday Lucy also got her first bike. She can't peddle yet but is doing a good job of trying. It won't be long and she will be able to.

Her speech is also great. She says more words than I can count. She is able to
communicate her needs to us pretty well. She loves stories and repeats them after you.
She loves to sing as well. You can often catch her singing along with songs on the TV.
She especially loves The Wiggles and their songs.

She has shown some interest in toilet training but thus far has not yet actually done
anything in it. She does prefer to sit on the big toilet than on the potty though. That's
fine by us, it's one less step in the process. We are not pushing the issue right now. I'm
happy to wait until Jasmine is in school full time before really getting into it. It will be
nice though to not have to change nappies anymore. My years of wiping someone elses
bottom are coming to an end and even though I am a little sad she's getting so big I am glad for this fact.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just nap!

I have a two year old who thinks she is too old for a nap. She rubs her eyes, yawns and happily goes to bed at nap time. However, once she's in bed its like a switch is flipped and she's wide awake again and just wants to play. I can take all the toys out of her bed all I want but she'll just get out of bed and put them right back in there the second I leave the room.

She still needs this nap. She is a total grump without it. I need this nap. I'm a total grump without it. At least she isn't coming out of her room like she does some nights. Hours after going to bed some nights she'll get out of bed and open her bedroom door and want to play in the hallway. 

Jas didn't drop this nap for at least another 12 months and even then she was still having it 2-3 times a week. Its really only been the last twelve months that she hasn't had a nap unless she was sick. I could give in and not put Lucy down for her nap but then, as I said, she becomes a grump and her and Jas just argue about toys for hours. That does not make for a happy afternoon. She spent all morning on the go and playing. She was rubbing her eyes and yawning but still an hour after being put into bed, she's still awake. 

Some days though it will be 3pm before I stop hearing her playing. That is annoying to say the least as the latest I will let her sleep in the day is 4pm. She all she has is an hour which is usually not enough and she is a grump at being woken. 

I guess I'll just keep putting her down for that nap and hoping for the best. At the very least she is getting a little bit of a rest and so am I.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lucy is Two and more

This post is coming. I just want to wait until her check up with the nurse in about 10 days. 

I've actually had lots of things to say about lots of different things of late, I just haven't had the motivation to sit and type them all out. I think I need to make a time each day, even if its only 10-15 minutes to do so. It might take me a day or two to get a whole post typed out but at least it will help me get back into the groove.

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