Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lucy and her Dolls

If we had to pick which one of the girls will be coming home pregnant at fifteen it would be Lucy.


Many reasons.

She loves to clean up after others.

If she spies something on the floor that doesn't belong then she will pick it up and put it in the bin.

She loves helping with the washing. Her favourite thing to do is to push the buttons on the washing machine to make it start. This is always followed by her clapping her hands and saying "yay!"

Her dolls. She loves her baby dolls. She is forever hugging and loving on them. She takes them for walks around the house in her little doll pram. Her use of a plastic toy knife on Baby Freddies' privates does concern me a little though but each to their own. 

A few weeks back at Music she was beyond cute with a baby doll. She was walking around holding it and rocking it when she spied one of her other favourite toys.... a vacuum cleaner. She stand there, looks from the doll to the vacuum and back again. Instead of doing what I would expect most kids her age to do which is to dump the doll right there on the floor, Lucy shifts the doll slightly so she's holding it in one arm, picks up the vacuum and starts playing with it. While she does this she looks at the baby doll and grins.

Yup. That one is coming home pregnant at a young age.

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