Poor Jasmine has been sick all school holiday's thus far. It is now Tuesday of week two and she is finally starting to feel a little better.
She started the holidays with a cold. Simple enough. It didn't really effect her too much. She was a little more tired than normal but other than a runny nose she was fine. She was supposed to spend last weekend with her Nanna. Friday morning she decided to get up at 4:30am. Even though I sent her back to bed, I don't think she went back to sleep. We put her crankiness on Friday down to the fact she was up so early that morning.
So off she went to Nanna's on Friday afternoon. Rodger, Lucy and I went to do the grocery shopping then came home and relaxed. We had dinner and put Lucy to bed, then sat down to watch some TV. At about 8:30pm the phone rang. It was Nanna. Jasmine had thrown up and needed clean pjs. Rodger took some over. Apparently as soon as he got there Jasmine decided that she was coming home. Good thing too as her temperature had started to rise. Some Nurofen bought it back down.
Saturday morning rolls around. Jasmine is now running very hot. So as much as she wanted to, we said she could not go back to Nanna's. All she did all day on Saturday was lay on the couch and watch TV. Her temperature was up and down all day depending on how long it had been since she had last had Nurofen.
A trip to the doctor on Saturday afternoon confirmed it was a virus. While a virus is good as it runs its course fast, part of me would have preferred a bacterial infection as that can be treated with antibiotics and Jasmine would have started to feel better sooner. With a virus its just up to her body and the virus.
Sunday she was feeling a little better. Her temp stayed down between Nurofen doses and she had more energy. Yesterday (Monday) I was feeling not so hot though. I was all achy and my legs felt like they were made of lead. Blegh! I'm feeling better today but still not 100%. Jasmine had a better day. Although she was very tired by the end of it. She went to bed at about 6:30pm and was asleep 10 minutes later. She slept till about7:30am this morning. She's still tired today. I'm hoping that its just the virus leaving her body and that by tomorrow she will be 100% back to her normal happy full of energy self.
I'm hoping that by tomorrow I will be feeling full of energy again too. Being sick is no fun no matter what your age is. I would make a really bad hypochondriac. I hate being sick. I don't see where the fun in it is. I don't like being lazy and doing nothing all day. I like to have the energy to be able to do things. And I hate having to remember to take medication. I'm really bad about it and often forget. I sure I hope I never get anything that requires daily medication to stay alive. I'd be a goner....